List of Free and Paid audio editing softwares for YouTube videos

Reference YouTube

This is a reference of some of the free and paid audio editing softwares for YouTube videos.

Please note! Software price will vary. Check online or their official website for current pricing and any offer.
Price in INR (Indian Rupee).


Price: FREE

This is a is free, open source, cross-platform audio software for multi-track recording and editing and its for Windows, Mac and Linux computers.


Price: FREE

This is a is free, cross-platform audio software. Made by musicians, for musicians - this software is for Windows, Mac and Linux. Ideal for composing, adding effects and mixing and it also includes musical instruments.


Price: FREE

This is a is free software for Mac. Good for creating, recording and learning as it contains lessons for guitar and piano.

FL Studio

Starting Price: 6000

This audio editing software or DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) comes in different favour in the price range 6k to 21k and you get free lifetime updates (check their website for more detail on this). Good for recording, editing, mixing and mastering professinal quality music. This software is also available for mobile phones running iOS and Android.

It runs on Windows. For Mac computers you have to check the lastest update on their website.

Adobe Audition

Price: 1400 per month

This is an amazing professional audio workstation for editing, recording and mixing software by Adobe for Mac and PC. Ideal for bigger projects.

Logic Pro X

Price: 13500

This is for Mac computers. This is a professional software and an upgrade from Apple's GarageBand. This one is ideal for creating, mixing and editing audio.