Getting Started

Python - IntroductionPython - Hello World ProgramPython - SyntaxPython - Data TypesPython - Variables


Python - Arithmetic OperatorsPython - Relational OperatorsPython - Logical OperatorsPython - Assignment OperatorsPython - Bitwise OperatorsPython - Membership OperatorsPython - Identity OperatorsPython - Increment and Decrement Operators


Python - If Else statement


Python - While LoopPython - For Loop


Python - NumbersPython - Number Conversion


Python - StringsPython - String OperatorsPython - String FormattingPython - String MethodsPython - String Format Method


Python - ListPython - List Methods


Python - Tuple


Python - SetPython - Set Methods


Python - DictionaryPython - Dictionary Methods


Python - FunctionsPython - Functions - Variable length argumentsPython - Lambda Function

Scope of Variables

Python - Scope of Variables


Python - ModulesPython - Math ModulePython - JSON ModulePython - datetime ModulePython - time Module


Python - Read input from keyboard


Python - File Handling

Exception Handling

Python - Exception Handling


Python - Classes and ObjectsPython - Class Constructor __init__ methodPython - Class Destructor __del__ methodPython - Built-in Class AttributesPython - InheritancePython - Method OverridingPython - Method Overloading

Package Management

Python - PIP

Python - MySQL

Python - MySQL - Getting StartedPython - MySQL - Insert dataPython - MySQL - Select dataPython - MySQL - Update dataPython - MySQL - Delete data

Python - CSV

Python - Read data from CSV filePython - Write data in CSV file

Python - String Formatting


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In this tutorial we will learn about string formatting in Python.

We use the % symbol in Python to format strings.

Following are the list of symbols we can use with % sign to format strings in Python.

DescriptionEscape sequence notation
%dSigned integer
%iUnsigned integer
%oOctal integer
%xHexadecimal lower case
%XHexadecimal upper case
%eExponential notation with lower case e.
%EExponential notation with upper case E.
%fFloating point numbers
%gShort for %f and %e
%GShort for %F and %E

String Formatting Example

In the following Python exercises we are formatting strings using the % operator.

Exercise #1: Insert character

In this Python program we are inserting character using %c.

# character
ch = 'A'

# string format
str = "We are inserting the following character: %c" % (ch)

# output

We will get the following output.

We are inserting the following character: A

The character saved in variable ch is inserted in the position %c in the string str.

Exercise #2: Insert string

In this Python program we are inserting string using %s.

# string to insert
str_insert = 'World'

# string format
str = "Hello %s" % (str_insert)

# output

We will get the following output.

Hello World

The string "World" saved in variable str_insert is inserted in the position %s in the string str.

Exercise #3: Insert integer

In this Python program we are inserting integer value using %i.

# integer
i = 10

# string format
str = "We have the following integer value %i" % (i)

# output

We will get the following output.

We have the following integer value 10

Exercise #4: Insert floating point number

In this Python program we are inserting floating point value using %f.

# floating point number
f = 123.45

# string format
str = "We have the following floating point value %f" % (f)

# output

We will get the following output.

We have the following floating point value 123.450000

Exercise #5: Insert octal value

In this Python program we are inserting integer value which is show as octal value using %o.

# integer
i = 12

# string format
str = "We have the following octal value %o for integer %i" % (i, i)

# output

We will get the following output.

We have the following octal value 14 for integer 12

Exercise #6: Insert hexadecimal value

In this Python program we are inserting integer value which is show as hexadecimal value using %x (lowercase) and %X (uppercase).

# integer
i = 27

# string format
str1 = "We have the following lowercase hexadecimal value %x for integer %i" % (i, i)
str2 = "We have the following uppercase hexadecimal value %X for integer %i" % (i, i)

# output

We will get the following output.

We have the following lowercase hexadecimal value 1b for integer 27
We have the following uppercase hexadecimal value 1B for integer 27