Getting Started

Python - IntroductionPython - Hello World ProgramPython - SyntaxPython - Data TypesPython - Variables


Python - Arithmetic OperatorsPython - Relational OperatorsPython - Logical OperatorsPython - Assignment OperatorsPython - Bitwise OperatorsPython - Membership OperatorsPython - Identity OperatorsPython - Increment and Decrement Operators


Python - If Else statement


Python - While LoopPython - For Loop


Python - NumbersPython - Number Conversion


Python - StringsPython - String OperatorsPython - String FormattingPython - String MethodsPython - String Format Method


Python - ListPython - List Methods


Python - Tuple


Python - SetPython - Set Methods


Python - DictionaryPython - Dictionary Methods


Python - FunctionsPython - Functions - Variable length argumentsPython - Lambda Function

Scope of Variables

Python - Scope of Variables


Python - ModulesPython - Math ModulePython - JSON ModulePython - datetime ModulePython - time Module


Python - Read input from keyboard


Python - File Handling

Exception Handling

Python - Exception Handling


Python - Classes and ObjectsPython - Class Constructor __init__ methodPython - Class Destructor __del__ methodPython - Built-in Class AttributesPython - InheritancePython - Method OverridingPython - Method Overloading

Package Management

Python - PIP

Python - MySQL

Python - MySQL - Getting StartedPython - MySQL - Insert dataPython - MySQL - Select dataPython - MySQL - Update dataPython - MySQL - Delete data

Python - CSV

Python - Read data from CSV filePython - Write data in CSV file

Python - Increment and Decrement Operators


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If you are familiar with other programming languages like C, Java, PHP then you know there exists two operators namely Increment and Decrement operators denoted by ++ and -- respectively.

There is no Increment and Decrement operators in Python.

This may look odd but in Python if we want to increment value of a variable by 1 we write += or x = x + 1 and to decrement the value by 1 we use -= or do x = x - 1.

Reasons for not having the operators

Some of the possible logical reasons for not having increment and decrement operators in Python are listed below.

  • Can achieve similar result using += and -=.
  • Including ++ and -- will result in the addition of some more opcode to the language which may result into slower VM engine.
  • Common use of ++ and -- is in loop and in Python for loop is generally written as for i in range(0, 10) thus removing the need for a ++ operator.

There are other reasons as well and you can Google them.

Example #1

Following is a simple PHP code using for loop to print from 1 to 10.

for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
  echo $i . " ";

The above code will print integer numbers from 1 to 10.

We can achieve the same result in Python using for loop.

for i in range(1, 11):

The above Python code will also print integer numbers from 1 to 10.

We will cover Python For Loop in the loop tutorials. And we will also talk more about the range() function.

Example #2

In the following C code we are printing integer numbers from 10 to 1 using for loop.

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  int i;
  for (i = 10; i >= 1; i--) {
    printf("%d ", i);
  return 0;

We can achieve the same result in Python by writing the following code.

for i in range(10, 0, -1):